The Development of the Heuristics and Biases Scale (HBS)

Abstract Problem Statement There is no comprehensive tool capturing general vulnerability to biases caused by the use of heuristics. Existing tools focus only on one specific bias or on personality traits. Research Questions Can general vulnerability to heuristic thinking be assessed and what are the sub-dimensions of this construct? Can undergraduate students be successfully involved in the research process? Purpose of the Study To demonstrate the results of an educational experiment in which undergraduate students are involved in the first stage of development of the Heuristics and Biases Scale (HBS). Research Methods After getting acquainted with the underlying theory, students chose one specific bias or heuristic, investigated related results of the experiments and paradigms. At the later stage, under supervision, students developed items intended to capture the chosen bias. Finally, positively evaluated items were combined together and piloted. The psychometrical properties of the items and course outcomes were assessed. Findings Developed items formed scales with satisfactory reliability. Course received positive student evaluations, and the assessment indicated that the majority of students achieved intended learning outcomes. Conclusions The study indicates that it is possible to develop a psychometrically sound assessment to measure vulnerability to a range of common cognitive biases. Moreover, it is also possible to successfully involve undergraduate students in the development of a psychometrical tool. Acknowledgments Authors would like to thank the Students of University College Roosevelt contributing to this work as their Independent Research Projects or as a part of Social Psychology or Statistics Course.
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