Diet and Habitat of the Barking Owl Ninox connivens in New South Wales

The diet of the Barking Owl Ninox connivens at several locations throughout New South Wales was determined by analysis of the contents of regurgitated pellets and the stomach contents of road-killed birds. These data show that the Barking Owl has wide dietary flexibility which probably varies according to local prey availability. Introduced vertebrates were included as major food items for the owls at some localities. A notable feature of the diet of this species, particularly compared with the diet of other Australian large owls, is the frequen c y with which diurnal birds and invertebrates are taken. The habitat of the Barking Owl in New South Wales appears to be primaril y open woodland or semi-cleared land near creeks and rivers, particularly with one or more species of red gums Eu c alyptus spp . , that contain a number of large trees for nesting and roosting . In coastal areas, the Barking Owl inhabits similar open country, particularly near riverine or swampy areas . These habitat types are now most likely to be found on private land in fragmented forest-agricultural landscapes and are threatened by continued clearing. The status of the Barking Owl in New South Wales remains poorly known and in need of further investigation.
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