The anatomy of the orbit in multi slice spiral CT volume rendering 3D – reconstruction – The orbital walls- anatomical and neuroimagistic study

But de l’etude anatomy of the orbit on multislice spiral CT-Scan. Materiel et methodes multislice spiral CT-scan (MSCT) was performed on a series of 24 cases of orbital traumas. 28 orbits – presented normal anatomic structure, 17 on the right side and 11 on the left side. The other 20 orbits presented traumatically modified bony architecture and were not used for this anatomical study. The examination was made on Light Speed Ultra Advantage, 8 row multidetector helical CT scan, from the angle of the mandible to the vertex, for the entire skull, and from the 1/2 of the maxilla to the inferior third of the neurocranium for the skull base. Resultats in certain cases, the scan was performed only on the anterior skull base. Slice thickness 0,63 – 1mm, interval 03mm. Postprocessing and reconstructions were performed based on 512 / 512 matrix DICOM files with Materialise – Mimics softwear, trial version, which permits multiplanar reformation in coronal, axial and sagittal plains and also volume rendering (VR) for 3D-reconstruction. The walls of the orbit were identified on the 3D-CT models, the optimal projection for the identification of the elements was studied and compared with the standard anatomical structure of the skull. Conclusions the high performance image acquisition techniques and performant software for image rendering permits virtual dissection on the skull for the anatomist, and virtual surgery and navigation for the surgeon.
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