Selection strategies of full-sib families in two landraces corn populations

The objective of this study were to estimate selection,simultaneous selection of independent characters, and genetics gain,in a recurrent selection program of full-sib families in two cornpopulations. We evaluated 81 families under irrigation of two nativepopulations of Pinto Amarillo of maize numbers "15" and "45" atthe experimental field of the Faculty of Agronomy of the UANL,Mexico. The experimental design was a 9x9 alfa-lattice with threereplications; the study variables included plant height, ear height,days to male and female flowering, grain yield, ear length, ear diameterand number of rows per ear. The selection indexes were moreefficient because they involved up to seven characters associated tograin yield, mostly plant height, days to male flowering, ear diameter,number of rows per ear and ear length.
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