CBM Injection/Falling Off Well-Test Parameters' Optimization and Study in the Middle of Qinshui Basin, China

As one effective mean of obtaining CBM parameters, injection/falling off well-test also has abnormal results. This paper studies process parameters’ optimization such as injecting pressure, injecting volume, shut-in time and reservoir closure pressure, which will insure test procedure and results’ reliability. In order to avoid ambiguity of well-test results it studies fluid and reservoir parameters’ impacts on well-test interpretation results, and determines the range of parameters’ value such as compression co-efficient, fluid viscosity and so on. The results prove that injection parameters’ design affects field test success, determines whether test data truly reflect reservoir information or not, and its values may affect the accuracy of well-test interpretation. This paper’s study will play an important role on solving injection/falling off well-test abnormal problems.
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