A Visualization Tool for Analysis of Air Traffic Management Scenarios and Automation

*† ‡ § ** Scenario Graphical User Interface (ScenarioGUI) is a new information visualization tool that allows analysts to graphically display large areas of air traffic data in order to view patterns of air traffic management flows, aircraft-to-aircraft conflicts and conflict predictions. An aircraft-to-aircraft conflict occurs when there is a loss of the minimum separation standard between two aircraft. Conflict predictions are alerts generated by a Decision Support Tool (DST) called a Conflict Probe that attempts to predict potential future conflicts. The ScenarioGUI application was developed by the Software Engineering, Graphics and Visualization group at Rowan University in conjunction with the Simulation and Analysis Team at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). ScenarioGUI is an application developed in Java that enables the FAA to both analyze the results of non-realtime air traffic simulations and the performance of conflict alerts produced by DSTs. This paper explores the development, implementation, and use of ScenarioGUI.
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