Troubles de la personnalité et vieillissement Personality disorders and aging

Personality disorder can be defined as an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that markedly deviates from the expectations of the individual's culture. With aging, personality disorders may improve or worsen. Their prevalence in the elderly is slightly lower than the prevalence in young adult. Furthermore, their comorbidity and co-occurrence are the rule with an increased risk of late decompensation. Categorical approach used in the current international classifications (ICD-10 and DSM-5) is not adapted to the specificities of the elderly with consequent overrepresentation of "unspecified personality disorder". However, a pathological personality tends to complicate all interventions for somatic or psy- chological care in the elderly. Thus, this review describes changes in personality disorders related to aging in order to help the clinician to better identify these disorders. Indeed, reco- gnizing a pathological personality in the elderly improves its management both in the field of mental health and in somatic disorders in which the role of personality must be evaluated. Personality and its disorders should therefore be taken into account in all geriatric practices, in particular in the context of cognitive disorders.
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