Functional cluster and canonical correlation analysis of EU countries by number of daily deaths and stringency index during Covid-19 pandemic

The danger of a global pandemic, such as the new Coronavirus (Covid-19),is obvious. This study aims to investigate the behavior and relationship of thenumber of daily new conrmed deaths per million and the stringency indexof twenty-seven European Union (EU) countries by utilizing functional clusteranalysis and functional canonical correlation analysis. Functional clusteranalysis was used to observe how countries cluster together according to dailydeaths during the time interval between March and July 2020. Functionalcanonical correlation analysis was also utilized to measure the correlationbetween the frequency index and daily deaths, and also to determine therelative positions of countries concerning their respective variability structure.The data is obtained from OWID. Here, it is seen that Italy, Spain,Belgium, and France are particularly aected by the pandemic during thetime interval within the EU countries, and the course of daily deaths is in adierent position compared to other EU countries. At the same time, a veryhigh relationship emerged between the stringency index and daily deaths asexpected.
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