Psychosocial perspectives on AIDS : etiology, prevention, and treatment

Contents: A. Baum, L. Temoshok, Psychosocial Aspects of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. D.L. Rugg, M.F. Hovell, L.R. Franzini, Behavioral Science and Public Health Perspectives: Combining Paradigms for the Prevention and Control of AIDS. D.C. Des Jarlais, S.R. Friedman, Target Groups for Preventing AIDS Among Intravenous Drug Users. R.J. DiClemente, Adolescents and AIDS: Current Research, Prevention Strategies and Policy Implications. J.G. Joseph, S.B. Montgomery, D.C. Ostrow, J.P. Kirscht, R.C. Kessler, J. Phair, J. Chimel, Assessing the Costs and Benefits of an Increased Sense of Vulnerability to AIDS in a Cohort of Gay Men. L.J. Bauman, K. Siegel, Mispercepton Among Gay Men of the Risk for AIDS Associated With Their Sexual Behavior. T.J. Coates, R.D. Stall, C.C. Hoff, Changes in Sexual Behavior Among Gay and Bisexual Men Since the Beginning of the AIDS Epidemic. K. Straits, L. Temoshok, J. Zich, A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Psychosocial Responses to Having AIDS and Related Conditions in London and San Francisco. P.G. Bourne, The Behavioral Aspects of AIDS: An International Perspective. S. Namir, D.L. Wolcott, F.I. Fawzy, M.J. Alumbaugh, Implications of Different Strategies for Coping with AIDS. J.M. Moulton, D.M. Sweet, L. Temoshok, Understanding Attributions and Health Behavior Changes in AIDS and ARC: Implications and Interventions. J. Zich, L. Temoshok, Perceptions of Social Support, Distress and Hopelessness in Men With AIDS and ARC: Clinical Implications. S. Tross, Neuropsychological Impairment in AIDS. G.F. Solomon, L. Temoshok, A Psychoneuroimmunologic Perspective on AIDS Research: Questions, Preliminary Findings, and Suggestions. A. LaPerriere, N. Schneiderman, M.H. Antoni, M.A. Fletcher, Aerobic Exercise Training and Psychoneuroimmunology in AIDS Research. L. O'Donnell, C.R. O'Donnell, J.H. Pleck, J. Snarey, R.M. Rose, Psychosocial Responses of Hospital Workers to AIDS. D. Miller, The Worried Well: Phenomenology, Predictors of Psychological Vulnerability, and Suggestions for Management.
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