P237 An assessment of confidence and knowledge regarding self-management of type i diabetes amongst adolescents attending a diabetes transition clinic

Aims To collate the questionnaire responses of adolescents with Type I Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) who attended a transition clinic between paediatric and adult diabetes care in University Hospital Limerick (UHL) and to analyse their confidence levels in specific parts of their diabetes management (hypoglycaemia, insulin dose adjustment, carbohydrate counting) and their knowledge levels around sexual health, alcohol safety, safe driving and smoking. Results 100% of patients said their expectations of the clinic were met. 100% of patients felt that they had adequate information and education on the management of hypoglycaemia, high glucose and ketones. 14% felt they did not have adequate information on insulin dose adjustment and carbohydrate counting. When it came to adolescent specific topics, 100% of patients felt they had adequate information on the effects of alcohol and smoking on diabetes management, with 29% stating they did not have adequate knowledge on sexual health and safe driving education prior to this clinic. 86% of patients said that they felt ‘more confident’ about transitioning to adult diabetes care after attending this transition clinic. Conclusion The transition from childhood to adulthood can be a difficult and turbulent period for any child, but especially more so for those with T1DM. Along with increased autonomy comes an increased risk of poor glycaemic control due to changes in health needs, management, and providers. This study allows us to assess the need for and the benefits gained from this new transition clinic initiative whilst also highlighting areas where diabetes education may be lacking in some adolescents, allowing us to fill these knowledge gaps prior to their transition to adult diabetes care.
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