Donor CD8 T Cells and IFN-γ Are Critical for Sex-Based Differences in Donor CD4 T Cell Engraftment and Lupus-Like Phenotype in Short-Term Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease Mice

The transfer of unfractionated DBA/2J (DBA) splenocytes into B6D2F1 (DBA→F1) mice results in greater donor CD4 T cell engraftment in females at day 14 that persists long-term and mediates greater female lupus-like renal disease. Although donor CD8 T cells have no demonstrated role in lupus pathogenesis in this model, we recently observed that depletion of donor CD8 T cells prior to transfer eliminates sex-based differences in renal disease long-term. In this study, we demonstrate that greater day 14 female donor CD4 engraftment is also critically dependent on donor CD8 T cells. Male DBA→F1 mice exhibit stronger CD8-dependent day 8–10 graft-versus-host (GVH) and counter-regulatory host-versus-graft (HVG) responses, followed by stronger homeostatic contraction (days 10–12). The weaker day 10–12 GVH and HVG in females are followed by persistent donor T cell activation and increasing proliferation, expansion, and cytokine production from days 12 to 14. Lastly, greater female day 14 donor T cell engraftment, activation, and cytokine production were lost with in vivo IFN-γ neutralization from days 6 to 14. We conclude the following: 1) donor CD8 T cells enhance day 10 proliferation of donor CD4 T cells in both sexes; and 2) a weaker GVH/HVG in females allows prolonged survival of donor CD4 and CD8 T cells, allowing persistent activation. These results support the novel conclusion that sex-based differences in suboptimal donor CD8 CTL activation are critical for shaping sex-based differences in donor CD4 T cell engraftment at 2 wk and lupus-like disease long-term.
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