Psycho-Physiological Features of Sportsmen in Impact and Throwing Martial Arts

(ProQuest: ... denotes formulae omitted.)IntroductionMonitoring of sportsmen's functional state is an important aspect of their training. Analysis and assessment of sportsmen's workability permit to prognosticate successfulness and give basis for determination of sportsmanship factors. Among them sportsmen's psycho-physiological features, assessed with the help of functional tests, are rather important. Blazevich and Jenkins (1998) note that peculiarities of training influence on sportsmen's efficiency and workability. They also proved interconnection of different indicators. For example speed orientation of training influences on strength, power and amplitude of movements in joints.Influence of psycho-physiological qualities on successfulness of golf players was studied by Cotterill, Sanders, and Collins (2010). As leading factors of fitness, they marked out attention, high level of functional potentials and ability to assess situation. Among other researches of sportsmen's psycho-physiological qualities we can point at several works (Kozina, Ryepko, Prusik, & Cieslicka, 2013; Korobeynikov, Aksutin, & Smoliar, 2015). The authors found higher indicators of nervous processes' mobility and strength in rock-climbers, comparing with mountaineers. This fact is connected with specificity of rock-climbers' training and competition functioning, which requires total concentration in conditions of maximal or sub-maximal strength tension (Kozina et al., 2013). Concerning martial arts, it was found that attacking fighting style is accompanied by high workability, reduction of fatigue and anxiety; by presence of psychological comfort. (Korobeynikov et al., 2015).Validity of functional tests' usage for assessment of motor and functional abilities in game and power kinds of sports was confirmed by Chernenko (2014). Appropriateness of their application for assessment of dynamic of power, quickness and coordination of movements, cardio-vascular and respiratory systems' indicators was proved. Balamutova and Shyryaeva (2014) found peculiar features of swimmers' training, facilitating increase of its effectiveness with the help of motor tests for special workability and functional tests. Researches of special workability in other kinds of sports (Gaskov, Kuzmin, Kudryavtsev, & Iermakov, 2016) permitted to find that in distribution of training loads and means it is necessary to equally dose correlation of these means with all marked out factors. Berezka (2014) offered to use variant of test PWC170 for determination of football players' physical workability. To increase information value of the results additional criteria for assessment of football players' functional fitness were worked out in the form of indices. Other authors (Abdula & Lebedev, 2014) note that there is a wide range in loads parameters for elite sportsmen. It dictates demand in assessment of football exercises' intensity. The carried out analysis witnesses that there are significant distinctions in heart beats rate indicators when using game and interval methods.Besides analysis of functional state dynamic, for prognosis of successfulness assessment of dependences and connections between separate indicators is of great importance. El Ashker (2012) studied dependences between development of complex and simple motor skills and level of technical and physical skills. It was found that development of complex motor skills increase sportsmen's successfulness. In such approaches great attention is paid to pedagogic control and choice of adequate tests (Khudolii, Iermakov, & Prusik, 2015; Zaporozhanov, Borachinski, & Nosko, 2015); to simulation of training process (Khudolii, Iermakov, & Ananchenko, 2015). It permitted for the authors to detect the most informative indicators of schoolchildren's motor fitness. Brown et al. (2011) analyzed characteristics of golf players' movements. Their researches confirmed presence of correlations between indicators, determining motor techniques. …
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