Teratoma Sacrococcígeo. A propósito de un caso

espanolIntroduccion: los teratomas sacrococcigeos resultan infrecuentes en la edad pediatrica, mientras que constituyen la neoplasia mas frecuente de diagnostico fetal. Presentacion de Caso: se presenta el caso de un recien nacido del sexo masculino, 38 semanas de edad gestacional, con masa en region sacrococcigea que se investiga a traves de estudios imagenologicos, cuyos resultados apuntan hacia el diagnostico del teratoma, que se confirma por examen anatomopatologico. Discusion: se presenta el caso considerando la morbilidad asociada a su historia natural y tratamiento quirurgico unido al consenso limitado en cuanto al manejo. Conclusiones: Los estudios imagenologicos resultaron de gran valor en funcion de la orientacion diagnostica. El caso presentado contribuye a visibilizar la necesaria revision sistematica del tema por todas las especialidades implicadas en la atencion a este tipo de entidad. EnglishIntroduction: sacrococcygeal teratomas are uncommon in children, while they constitute the most frequent neoplasia of fetal diagnosis. Case Presentation: it is presented the case of a male newborn, 38 weeks of gestational age, with a mass in the sacrococcygeal region under investigation through imaging studies; the results aim at the diagnosis of a teratoma, which is confirmed by the anatomicopathological examination. Discussion: the case is presented considering the morbidity associated with his natural medical record and the surgical treatment joined to the limited consensus in regards to the management. Conclusions: the imaging studies were of great value in terms of the diagnostic approach. The case presented helps to visualize the necessary systematic review of the subject by all the disciplines involved in the care for this type of entity.
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