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An UNILAC-upgrade program will be realized in the next three years, providing for the high beam currents as required from the FAIR project (U-beam intensity of 15emA for SIS18 injection). The replacement of the Alvarez-DTL by a new high energy linac is advised to provide a stable operation for the next decades. A linac upgrade option sufficient to boost the beam energy up to 150MeV/u may help to reach the desired heavy ion intensities in the SIS100. The SHE-upgrade program has also to be realized until 2011, such that an enhanced primary beam intensity at the target is available. It is planned to build a new cw-heavy ion-linac behind the present high charge state injector. This linac should feed the GSI flagship experiments SHIP and TASCA, as well as material research, biophysics and plasma physics experiments in the MeV/u-area. The whole injector family is housed by the existing constructions. Different layout scenarios of a multipurpose high intensity heavy ion facility will be presented. INTRODUCTION Besides two ion source terminals and a low energy beam transport system (LEBT) the High Current Injector (HSI) [1] of the UNILAC comprises a 36MHz IH-RFQ (2.2keV/u up to 120keV/u) and an IH-DTL, consisting of two separate tanks, accelerating the beam up to the final HSI-energy of 1.4MeV/u. After stripping and charge state separation the Alvarez DTL provides for beam acceleration up to =0.155. In the transfer line (TK) to the synchrotron SIS18 a foil stripper and another charge state separator system can be used. Highly charged ion beams from an ECR ion source of CAPRICE-type are accelerated in the High Charge State Injector (HLI) comprising an RFQ and an IH-resonator to 1.4MeV/u. The HLIas well as the HSI-injector serves in a time-sharing mode for the main drift tube linac. The ion beam delivered by the UNILAC may either be injected into the SIS18 via TK or delivered to the experimental hall. FAIR-UNILAC-UPGRADE Figure2: Redesigned and full copper plated HSI-RFQelectrodes of tank1; pre-assembled electrode cage. Since the commissioning of the original HSI in 1999, several upgrade steps were performed. The super lens got new copper plated electrodes with reduced maximum surface field strength (2002), redesign and substitution of an inner triplet of IH1 (2003), mounting of copper plated RFQ-electrodes with an improved design of the input radial matcher (2004), resulting in an increased beam transmission, and a reduction of dark current contributions. The stripping efficiency for U was improved by increasing the gas stripper density (2006). Finally, a maximum U-current at the end of the transfer channel of 5.75emA (2.7emA of U) was reached (2007). A new compact charge state separator in the transfer line (2008) allows improved matching to the SIS18. To provide the high beam currents as required from the FAIR project, the GSI-HSI must deliver 18 mA of U ions. With the design existing up to 2008, the RFQ could not reach the beam currents at the RFQ output. As a first upgrade step, the RFQ has been modernized successfully in summer 2009 with a new electrode design. Furthermore the existing LEBT must be modified, and a new straight source branch, comprising a new U-ion source terminal and a compact LEBT (2011-2013), will provide for the full beam performance. Re-commissioning of the HSI has shown that the transmission of the RFQ increased significantly (from 55% to 85% for high current uranium operation) [1]. Further upgrades aim to improve the HSI-transmission by optimizing the matching to the RFQ, and to the IH-DTL.
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