Living donor and recipient variables associated with renal graft function.

Aim: The present study was undertaken to assess relationship between several living donor and recipient variables and renal graft function. Methods: Data on 23 living donor kidney transplant recipients (13 m, 9 f ; 40.812.1 y/o) and their kidney donors (m 9, f 13 ; 48.211.4 y/o) was analyzed. Mean recipient follow-up was 429269 d (range 56-1057 d). Immunosuppression consisted of CNI, MMF steroids. Donor renal function was analyzed by the measured creatinine clearance (ClCr), and the recipient renal function by the estimated creatinine clearance (eClCr by the Cockroft-Gault formula). Multivariate analysis was performed using General Linear Models Analysis and included following variables: donor and recipient age and gender, donor ClCr, recipient eClCr, history of acute rejection (AR), duration of follow-up, degree of total HLA and HLA-B and DR match. Results: Recipient male sex was associated with significantly better graft function (Wald Stat. 10.03 ; p<0.01). A significant interaction was found between donor and recipient sex, with female donor sex being associated with decreased eClCr only in male recipients. A negative correlation was found between recipient age and eClCr (Wald stat. 4.63 ; p<0.05), as well as with donor age and eClCr (Wald stat 5.71 ; p<0.05). History of acute rejection was not an independent predictor of renal graft function. Also, there was no correlation between degree of HLA matching and achieved renal graft function. Conclusion: Altogether, the present results demonstrate importance of recipient and donor age in long-term renal graft function in living donor kidney recipients. Sex match is associated with renal function only in male recipients. In the era of modern immunouppression, association between renal allograft function and HLA match and history of AR is diminished.
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