La criminalística aplicada en la escena de los hechos y su relación jurídica en el derecho penal

ThisThesisaims to propose are form proposalloaArts.207 and216 of the Criminal Procedure Code, was made underthe provisions of the PlanofThesisandmethodological pointsapproved bythe Governing Board ofthe Faculty of Law. Afterthe selectionoflibrary materials, historical analysis, and legaldoctrinalissuehypothesizeallowed meto guidefield research. In developing theframework,a study was madelegalunder study, which determines the need to reformthe arts.207 and216 of theCriminalProcedure Code, expanding the powers of the Prosecutorand the Judicial Police. The methodology usedwas determined tomeet theresearch workand achieveperformfield workby surveyingcitizensunderstoodthe topic. Field researchwithdata collectedwere crucialfor testingthe hypothesis. InFieldResearch-based Fiscalsurveys, assistant prosecutors,judicialpoliceand lawyersinFree ExerciseProfessional, we determined the need to reformthose provisions, the legal analysis, combined with the data collected inthe field researchandtesting thehypothesis, conclude onthe need to reformthe arts.207 and216 of the Criminal Procedure Code
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