Trends in energy consumption in the transportation sector of Mexico and its environmental impact; Tendencias del consumo de energia en el Sector Transporte de Mexico y su impacto al medio ambiente

The Mexican transportation sector, as with that of many other countries, is characterized by basing its energy consumption in hydrocarbons (gasoline, diesel and LP gas). At the present times, this dependency has brought along a series of problems of environmental nature, which concentrate in a larger scale in the urban areas. Therefore, the study of the transportation sector as an energy consumer requires the institution of new terms where the constant to study (directly or indirectly) is the environmental variable, trying to correlate the proper sector activities, its development and the energy consumption with the environment. This paper`s objective is to know the actual situation of the transportation sector in the metropolitan area of Mexico City (MAMC) and its environmental impact. It is therefore an energy-environmental inventory energy-environmental focussed to the use of fuels in the transportation sector, whose environmental effect has a significant cost for the country. This paper has been divided in four parts. First, the importance of the sector as an energy consumer in the MAMC is characterized in aggregated form. Second, the main variables that affect the development of the sector to obtain the consumption in separated form as well as the base criteria for its development, obtaining a series of results that show the effect of the different modes and types of energy consumption. In the third part, reference is made to the environmental impact originated by the utilization of fossil fuels in the transportation sector, emphasizing in the transportation means that more heavily affect for the emission of pollutants. Finally a series of options are presented that allow finding an equilibrium among transportation, energy and environment. [Espanol] El sector transporte mexicano, como el de muchos otros paises se caracteriza por basar su consumo energetico en hidrocarburos (gasolina, diesel y gas licuado). Actualmente esta dependencia ha traido consigo una serie de problemas de tipo ambiental, los cuales se concentran en mayor escala en las areas urbanas. Por tanto, el estudio del sector transporte como consumidor de energia requiere plantear nuevos terminos donde la constante a estudiar (de forma directa e indirecta) sea la variable ambiental tratando de vincular las actividades propias del sector, su desarrollo y el consumo de energia con el medio ambiente. El objetivo de este articulo es conocer la situacion del sector transporte en el area metropolitana de la ciudad de Mexico (AMCM) y su impacto al medio ambiente. Se trata de un inventario energetico- ambiental enfocado al uso de los combustibles en el sector transporte, cuyo efecto ambiental tiene un costo significativo para el pais. El trabajo se ha dividido en cuatro partes. Primero se caracteriza la importancia del sector como consumidor de energia en el AMCM de forma agregada. Segundo, se describen las principales variables que inciden en el desarrollo del sector para obtener el consumo de forma desagregada, asi como los criterios base para su desarrollo, obteniendo una serie de resultados que muestran la incidencia de los diferentes modos y tipos en el consumo de energia. En la tercera parte, se hace referencia al impacto ambiental generado por el uso de combustibles fosiles en el sector transporte, destacando el modo de transporte que mas impacta por la emision de contaminantes. Por ultimo se presentan una serie de alternativas que permitiran encontrar un balance entre ransporte-energia-medio ambiente.
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