General surgery department with the i. F. Bush clinicOf the s. M. Kirov military medical academy(historical notes to the 220th anniversary of the foundation)

The article is dedicated to the 220 th anniversary of the founding of the General Surgery Department of the S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy. During the time the department was headed by famous representatives of surgery of those times. The representatives of the General Surgery Department made a significant contribution to the development of surgery in our country, subsequently being the heads of surgical departments and medical institutions. Historically, the academic disciplines taught at the department were the primary link in the education program in surgery at the academy. Most of the heads of the department had the experience of participating in military campaigns, which is necessary for education at a military university. Traditionally, the department scientific research were devoted to the study of the wound process, wound infection, combat injuries, oncology, vascular and abdominal surgery. At present, there is currently a continuity in the formation of educational and methodological materials for various categories of students, scientific developments on topical problems of surgery have been going on (4 figs, bibliography: 4 refs).
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