Learning Model for Improving Psychological Well-Being in the Elderly: A Case Study in Surabaya Setting

This study was a participatory action research (PAR) which aimed to develop learning model for improving psychological well-being (PWB) of the elderly by using the six aspects of PWB according to Ryff and Keyes (1995) that are autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth, purpose in life, relations with others, and self-acceptance. This research was conducted in Surabaya for two years. In the first year, the participants were 91 elderly people came from 9 villages. Meanwhile, in the second year there were 59 participants in which 16 elderly people, 20 community actors for elderly development, 23 social service officers of Surabaya City Government. Data were collected using questionneire, observation, in-depth interview as well as focus group discussion (FGD). Results of this research was a learning model for increasing PWB in the elderly. This model consisted of six intervention strategy moduls on autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth, purpose in life, relations with others, and self-acceptance. The findings of this study could contribute practically for community organizer in assisting elderly group as well as for government in developing programs and policies for the elderly. Keywords: elderly, intervention modul, learning model, psychological well-being.
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