Dorsalis pedis arterial bypass: Durable limb salvage for foot ischemia in patients with diabetes mellitus

Abstract Purpose: Although the technical feasibility of pedal artery bypass for limb salvage is now well established, questions remain about its most appropriate use and its long-term durability. Methods: We reviewed our experience over an 8-year period in 367 consecutive patients undergoing 384 vein bypass grafts to the dorsalis pedis for limb salvage. Results: Ninety-five percent of the patients had diabetes mellitus. Infection complicated ischemia at initial presentation in 55.2% of patients. The preoperative arteriogram demonstrated a patent dorsalis pedis in 362 extremities (92.8%). Four hundred two patients underwent exploration for bypass, including 29 patients without demonstrated arteries on the arteriogram but audible pedal Doppler signals. Successful bypasses were carried out in 357 of 362 cases, where preoperative arteriography demonstrated a patent dorsalis pedis artery (98.6%), 16 of 28 cases explored on the basis of a Doppler signal alone (57%), and 11 of 12 patients where angiographic status was unknown. All procedures were performed with vein: in situ 38.5%, reversed 29%, onreversed 18%, arm vein 7%, and composite vein 8%. Inflow was taken from the common femoral artery in 34%, superficial femoral or popliteal arteries in 60%, a previously placed graft in 5%, and a tibial artery in 1%. There were seven erioperative deaths (1.8%) and 21 myocardial infarctions (5.4%). Twenty-nine grafts failed within 30 days (7.5%), but 19 were successfully revised. Eight of the 10 failed grafts resulted in major amputation (80%). Over the remaining study period, there were 39 additional graft failures, of which 17 were successfully revised, and 17 additional major amputations. Actuarial primary and secondary patency and limb salvage rates were 68%, 82%, and 87%, respectively, at 5 years' followup. The actuarial patient survival rate was 57% at 5 years. Patency rates were similar for in situ and translocated saphenous vein grafts. Conclusions: Dorsalis pedis arterial bypass is an effective limb salvage procedure with long-term durability comparable to distal vein grafts placed into more proximal arteries. (J VASC SURG 1995;21:375-84.)
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