Nonuniformity of inner and outer systolic wall thickening in conscious dogs

Transmural differences in systolic wall thickening were analyzed in 13 conscious dogs by implanting sonomicrometers to continuously measure total wall thickness (WT) and outer WT approximately half the distance through the myocardium at a closely adjacent location. Inner WT was derived by subtraction of outer WT from total WT. Outer wall measurements spanned, on average, the outer 44 +/- 10% (+/- SD) of the wall; derived inner wall measurements spanned the remaining 56 +/- 10%. At rest the fractional contribution (FC) of the outer wall to total systolic wall thickening was 29 +/- 9%, which was significantly less than the FC of the inner wall, 71 +/- 9%. These data are in good agreement with simplified modeling of a cross section of the left ventricle as two concentric rings that predicts that the FC of inner and outer halves of the wall should be approximately 67 and 33%, respectively. During treadmill exercise, the extent of both inner and outer thickening increased significantly (30 and 29%, respectivel...
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