Влияние лазерного излучения на морфологические, физико-химические и биохимические показатели крови коров, больных субклиническим маститом

The results of studies devoted to the degree of low-intensive laser radiation impact on blood indices of dry cows have been studied. The effect of laser irradiation of biologically active points of cow udder on the white blood picture, physical-chemical blood indices, biochemical blood serum parameters and factors of unspecific defense of cows has been examined. The diseased cows were subjected to medical exposure of the reflexogenic zones of udder teat bases of mammary gland during 1–2 minutes. It has been established that the short duration impact of laser irradiation of low intensity results in improvement and stabilization of different biochemical indices and factors of unspecific animal body defense and stimulates the mobilization of all the internal reserves of an organism in its struggle against such pathological agents as the specific microflora.
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