The objectives of this research are to analyze the contribution of real income, interest rate, inflation to the change on money demand in Indonesia, to know the contribution of real income, interest rate, money demand to the change on inflation in Indonesia, to know the contribution of real income, money demand, inflation to the change on interest rate in Indonesia and to know the contribution of inflation, money demand, interest rate to the change on real income in Indonesia. Data collection is obtained using secondary data, namely the real income, interest rate, inflation and money demand from 1982 up to 2008 (26 observations). The determination on the amount of the observation is based on structure lag stability in the research model. This research uses econometric model with Vector Auto Regression (VAR), Impulse Response Function (IRF) and Variance Decomposition (VD) method which previously tested using Unit Roots Test, Granger Causality Test and Co integration Johansen test. The result of data analysis uses Vector Auto Regression (VAR) showing the contribution between the variables of Gross Domestic Bruto (PDB), interest rate (SBI), inflation (INF) and money demand (M1). The other variable with the biggest contribution to the PDB is the last period of SBI (SBIt-1). The other variable besides the variable with significant contribution to SBI is SBI t-1. The other variable besides that variable with significant contribution to inflation is M1t-1. Whereas, the other variable with the most significant contribution to M1 is M1t-1. From the result of Impulse Response Function, it is known that the first stability for all variables are in the middle-term period, that is 5 up to 10 years, whereas, in the long-term, it tends to be stabilized. It produces the meaning that even though there is variable in the short-term without influence, however, in the middle and long –term, it is mutual influencing. Based on the result of variance decomposition, as the whole for long-term and short term, all variables on the first period is influenced by error variance variable. Whereas, in the long-term, there is the change on the error variance and reduced to its variables and then it is moved by other variables.
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