Results of surgical and somatostatin analog therapies and their combination in acromegaly: a retrospective analysis of the German Acromegaly Register

Background: Data on surgical and medical treatment outcomes in acromegaly mostly originate from specialized centers. We retrospectively analyzed the data on surgery, primary somatostatin analog (SSA) therapy, surgery preceded by SSA, and SSA preceded by surgery in 1485 patients from the German Acromegaly Register. Methods: Two trained nurses visited all centers (NZ42) for data acquisition. Results: Primary surgery: out of 889 patients, 554 yielded analyzable data (microadenomas 22.9%, macroadenomas 77.1%). GH and IGF1 normalized in 54.3 and 67.2%. Partial or total pituitary insufficiency occurred in 28.6% initially and 41.2% post-surgery. Primary SSA (R3 months): out of 329 patients, 145 yielded analyzable data (microadenomas 26.7%, macroadenomas 73.3%). GH and IGF1 normalized in 36.3 and 30.5%, increasing to 40.8 and 41.5% with longer SSA (R360 days) in 54 patients. Pituitary function did not change. SSA (R3 months) prior to surgery: out of 234 patients, 93 yielded analyzable data. Post-surgery GH and IGF1 was normalized in 62.9 and 68.4%. GH improvement was slightly, but significantly better after SSA pretreatment. Surgery followed by SSA: out of 122 patients, 34 yielded analyzable data. GH and IGF1 normalized during SSA in 24.1 and 45.5%. Relative GH decrease was significantly larger compared with primary SSA. Conclusions: Pituitary surgery was more effective to lower GH and IGF1 concentrations than primary SSA. Primary SSA may be an option in selected patients. SSA prior to surgery only marginally improved surgical outcome. Debulking surgery may result in better final outcome in patients with a high GH concentration and a large tumor.
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