On-line identification of 4″-isovalerylspiramycin I in the genetic engineered strain of S. spiramyceticus F21 by liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry, ultraviolet absorbance detection and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry

Abstract LC - hyphenated techniques were applied to the on-line identification of isovalerylspiramycin I (isp I), a spiramycin-like macrolide in the crude extract of fermentation broth from a genetically engineered strain of S. spiramyceticus F21. In the structural characterization of the large molecular secondary metabolite of isp I, LC–DAD-UV–ESI-MS n analysis played a crucial role, and stop-flow LC– 1 H NMR measurement, with bitespiramycin used as reference, was a valuable complement approach. This rational approach proved to be an efficient means for the rapid and accurate structural determination of known microbial secondary metabolites, by which targeted isolation of component(s) of interest can be subsequently performed for further biological and pharmacological studies in drug development.
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