Ankara’da ikamet eden Suriyeli mültecilerin sosyo-ekonomik durumları

This study aims at analyzing some social and economic characteristics of Syrian refugees residing in Ankara. 50.1% of total 1,022 individuals in 178 households that participated in the survey consist of females and 49.9% thereof consist of males. It was determined that 80% of the family members were below the age of 35, 48% of the housewives is primary school graduates and 40% of the male head of households is primary school graduates. The average number of individuals of the families was calculated as 5.78 (±0.18), number of employed persons as 1.19 (±0.05) and average family income as TRY 1,282.30 (±60.31). It was also determined that 82 families are receiving monetary aid and that this aid is to TRY 745.30 (±28.64) per family. The refugees who participated in the survey were mostly working as tradesmen, casual workers, private sector employees (in descending order) before coming to Turkey. The duration of staying in Turkey of the refugees, who are the subject matters of the study, was calculated as average 3.43 (±0.10) years and the duration of their staying in Ankara as average 2.88 (±0.10) years. Upon inspection of current food consumption of refugees after coming to Turkey, it was seen that their vegetable, fruit, meat and dairy product consumptions decreased in general and their carbohydrates (pasta, bread, rice, bulgur, etc.) and chicken consumption increased. The increase in carbohydrate consumption of refugees is caused by the decline in their income. On the other hand, it was determined that their legumes (lentil, chickpea, bean, etc.) remained the same.
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