Carbon fluxes from a temperate rainforest site in southern South America reveal a very sensitive sink

This work was supported by FONDEQUIP AIC-37, Iniciativa Cientifica Milenio grant P05-002 and CONI-CYT grant PFB-23 to the Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity-Chile (IEB), FONDECYT grant 1130935 to JPQ, and the LINCGlobal research program funded by CSIC-Spain and Catholic University of Chile. The authors thank Robert Cook and Alison Boyer, who kindly provided the FLUXNET database 2015. The authors are grateful to Paul Reich (USDA) for sharing the Biome database, Sebastiaan Luyssaert for providing them with the database of CO2 balance of forest ecosystems, and an anonymous reviewer whose comments helped them to improve the manuscript. This is a contribution to the Research Program of Senda Darwin Biological Station and the Chilean Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research Network (LTSER-Chile), affiliated with ILTER, AMERIFLUX, and FLUXNET.
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