Prikaz preventivnog programa «modifikacija ponašanja putem igre - MMPI» I rezultata evaluacije programa

The preventive programme Modification of behaviour through play, (Modifikacija ponasanja putem igre, in further text «MPPI» Program) is first of all dedicated to work with children and young people, but also with their parents. «MPPI» Program is headed on detection, prevention and outside institutional treatment of elementary school children who express one or more shapes of behaviour disorders so as children who come from families with disorder relationship. Main goal of «MPPI» program is to build an valuable system and attitude, using play as basic shape of work with children. Also, intention is to prevent and remove different models of unacceptable society behavior which contributes to beginning and progression of juvenile delinquency. «MPPI» program is organized as miscellany of different contents and methods which are assigned to lift the growing up quality and children's maturing, as well as creating the surrounding in which they can develop and usefully use their potentials on social and emotive plan and forming their personal attitude and values. Realization of all program activities is systematically being conducted and evaluated with the goal of upkeeping quality, improvement and further program developing as MPPI-s modifications according to the needs of marked users group. Accept continued monitoring there had been made some evaluation researches to fortify which are the effects and results by program realization on users-children and their parents. Second component includes resume review of investigation realized in «MPPI» program.
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