Parasite density and erythrocyte sedimentation rate on patients with uncomplicated tropical malaria in two puskesmas of west Lombok

Malaria infections are often associated with the activation of coagulations and fibrinolytic systems. An increase number of fibrinogen levels in severe malaria, and the increased of fibrinogen also stimulated the increase of erythrocytes sedimentation rate. The aim of this study is to find out about the effects of high parasitemia to erythrocyte sedimentation rate in patients with uncomplicated tropical malaria. Sampel are collected using Purposive Samplings method. To determined the effect of parasite density to ESR levels (mm/h), the data were analyze using One Way Anova test (α=0,05). From 8 samples, 2 subjects (25%) has ++ (+2) densities with 35 and 46 mm/h; 3 subjects (37,5%) has +++ (+3) densities with 10, 65 and 70 mm/h; and also 3 other subjects (37,5%) has ++++ (+4) densities with 21, 44, and 70 mm/h. ANOVA test has shown that p value 0,949 >α, means that there is no effect about parasite density to ESR levels. ESR; erythrocytes sedimentation rate Keyword: Parasite Density, Erythrocytes Sedimentation Rate, Uncomplicated Malaria Tropica
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