Design and Implementation of Regulated DC Variable Power Supply Using Solar PV with Storage (0-15V, 5A)

In Nigeria, due to the epileptic nature of power supply, most institutions, individuals, and industries resort to self-generation of power via petrol and diesel generators, which does not only cause environmental and sound pollution but very expensive. As a result, the prices of domestic goods are on the rise. The threat of noise pollution and greenhouse gas emission associated with these generators cannot be over-emphasized. A renewable energy resource will provide a better alternative. This paper therefore designs and implements a regulated DC variable power supply of rating (0-15)V, 5A using solar PV with storage. The gap found from the literature review was; lack of digitally displayed output of the system. The paper designed and implemented DC variable power supply using a voltage regulator (LM33S), resistors, LED, capacitors, a solar PV of200 W, a 12V/24V20 A charge controller and two 12 V, l8Ah batteries. During the design stage, the voltage regulator capacity, solar PV, charge controller, battery ratings were designed. Tests were carried out with the aid of a digital multimeter to determine the response of the system. Results obtained showed that the system is capable of powering DC loads not greater than 75 W. It was also established that implemented system output voltage ranges from 1.21 V to 15.2 V. It was evident that basic experiments and other needs of DC power that are within the design range can be met.
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