The Rayleigh Analyzer (Trade name). Volume 2: Users Manual.

Abstract : Volume I of the two-volume series presented theory and applications of the Rayleigh statistical model. Volume II is a users manual to assist in the operation of the Rayleigh Analyzer model. The Rayleigh Analyzer(trade name) is meant to be used by cost analysts and project managers in program offices, as well as analysts in central monitoring offices. The Rayleigh Analyzer generates statistics of completion time and final cost for development programs, conditioned on actual cost of work performed (ACWP) data and on the Rayleigh model for the time variation of ACWP in development programs. The Rayleigh Analyzer is a spreadsheet-based model. It has been available for several years to analysts throughout the U.S. government. The version presented in this manual was improved to incorporate many automation features. More importantly, the model now incorporates several advanced analytical techniques of combining Rayleigh curves to model programs that may not follow the traditional Rayleigh profile.
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