Las tablas astronómicas islámicas en al-Ándalus: el Sindhind Ziy de al-Juarizmi

espanolA mediados del siglo ix e. c., cuatro conjuntos de tablas astronomicas arabes llegaron a la corte del emir omeya ‘Abd al-Rahman II en Cordoba. Uno de ellos era el Sindhind Ziy de al-Juarizmi, compuesto en torno al ano 830 combinando materiales indios, persas y griegos-ptolemaicos. Aproximadamente en el ano 1000, Maslama al-Mayriti reformulo dicha obra, adaptandola para su uso en Cordoba, y en el siglo xii Aberlardo de Bath la tradujo al latin. De dicha traduccion se conservan varios manuscritos y, por otra parte, muchas tablas del el Ziy de al-Juarizmi se incluyeron en las Tablas de Toledo, que fueron muy populares en toda Europa. Este articulo toma el Sindhind Ziy como referencia para esbozar la historia de las tablas astronomicas en al-Andalus y ofrece una vision general de los resultados de la investigacion sobre las tablas del ziy, categorizandolas en funcion de su origen. EnglishIn the middle of the 9th century CE, four sets of Arabic astronomical tables reached the court of the Umayyad emir ‘Abd al-Rahman II in Cordoba. One of these was the Sindhind Zij de al-Khwarizmi, which had been composed around the year 830 as a mixture of Indian, Persian and Ptolemaic-Greek materials. Around the year 1000, Maslama al-Majriti reworked this book for use in Cordoba, and in the 12th century it was translated into Latin by Adelard of Bath. Several manuscripts of this translation are extant today, and furthermore many tables from al-Khwarizmi’s Zij were included in the Toledan Tables, which became very popular in all of Europe. This article takes the Sindhind Zij as a focal point for sketching the history of astronomical tables in al-Andalus and provides an overview of research results on the tables in the zij with the aim to categorize them on the basis of their origins.
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