Origin and Age Determination of the Neotethys Meliata Basin Ophiolite Fragments in the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Accretionary Wedge Mélange (Inner Western Carpathians, Slovakia)

This study reports the Neotethyan Meliata Basin ophiolite fragments in the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous accretionary wedge melange in the southern part of the Inner Western Carpathians (IWC). Here we present new lithostratigraphical, petrographical, geochemical, and geochronological data obtained from the melange blocks used to reconstruct the Meliaticum paleotectonic zones in a tentative evolutionary model of this accretionary wedge. The Dobsina melange block continental margin carbonatic and siliciclastic sediments have calc-alkaline basalt intercalations. The basalt Concordia age dated to 245.5 ± 3.3 Ma by U–Pb SIMS on zircon most likely indicates the pre-oceanic advanced early Middle Triassic continental rifting stage. The evolving marginal oceanic crust is composed of Middle to Upper Triassic cherty shales to radiolarites. The detrital zircon U–Pb SIMS Concordia ages of 247 ± 4 Ma and 243 ± 4 Ma from a cherty shale, and the xenocryst zircon population Concordia age of 266 ± 3 Ma from a 0.5 m thick “normal” mid-ocean ridge (N-MOR) basalt layer in this cherty shale reveal the connection of the oceanic basin to the adjacent rifting continental margin. The chertified reddish limestone transition to radiolarite indicates syn-rift basin deepening. Upwards, regular alternating N-MOR basalts and radiolarites are often disturbed by peperite breccia horizons. The Nd isotope values of these basalts (eNd240 = 7–8) are consistent with their chondrite normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns and indicate a depleted mantle source. The Triassic ophiolitic suite also comprises rare ocean island (OI) basalts (eNd240 = 5) and serpentinized subduction unrelated peridotites. The Middle to Late Jurassic shortening and southward intra-oceanic and continental margin subduction at approximately 170–150 Ma enhanced the formation of the trench-like Jurassic flysch succession which preceded the closure of the Meliata Basin. The flysch sediments form a melange matrix of olistolithic unsubducted, obducted, and MP–HP/LT metamorphosed exhumed blocks of the Triassic to Lower Jurassic successions. Blocks of peridotites, rodingites, blueschists, greenschists, rare amphibolites, deep-water shaly sediments and shallow- to deep-water carbonates are typical members of the melange. The Meliatic accretionary wedge melange nappe outliers were incorporated in the IWC orogenic wedge in the late Early Cretaceous according to metamorphic rutile U–Pb SIMS ages of 100 ± 10 Ma determined from a Jaklovce metabasalt.
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