A critical examination of the occurrence of FMRFamide immunoreactivity in the brain of guinea pig and rat

Several reports (cf. Weber et al. (1981) Science 214: 1248–1251) have described the extensive occurrence, in rat brain, of material immunologically related to the molluscan neuropeptide FMRFamide. We have reexamined these data in guinea pig and rat, using six different antisera to FMRFamide. Immunoreactive perikarya and fibres were found to be distributed throughout the rodent brain (Table 1). This distribution was roughly similar to that found by Weber and coworkers. However, solid-phase absorption of the antisera with bovine pancreatic polypeptide, which shares an arginine and an amidated aromatic amino acid (RYamide) with FMRFamide, showed that staining in most regions could be due to crossreactivity with bovine pancreatic polypeptide-like (or neuropeptide Y-like) material. Double-labelling experiments with antisera to FMRFamide and bovine pancreatic polypeptide led to the same conclusion. The only structures where no apparent crossreactivity occurred were perikarya and fibres in the nucleus dorsomedialis, ventromedialis, periventricularis and paraventricularis hypothalami and fibres in the area lateralis hypothalami, nucleus parabrachialis, substantia grisea centralis mesencephali, various parts of the formatio reticularis, and spinal cord. Hence only these structures might contain material which is more related to the molluscan retrapeptide.
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