Obez ve Spor Yapan Çocuklarda Kalp Hızı Değişkenliğinin Karşılaştırılması

Abstract A Comparison of Obese and Athletic Children Based on Heart Rate Variability Aim: It is well-known fact that the cardiac risks in children who deal with sport are decreasing; whereas, in obese children who are lack of sport, these risks are increasing. Heart rate variability is a non-invasive parameter measuring the autonomous nerves system functions and has been reported to be used for evaluation of the cardiac capacity of children. In a few studies carried out on athletes, it has been pointed out that heart rate variability show increase. However, there are not enough studies in the group of younger athletes. The aim of this study is to compare the cardiac functions and heart rate variability of obese boys to athletic boys and the healthy ones. Method: In this study, sixty adolescent boys (20 obese, 20 athletic, 20 control) in the age range of 11-14 years old were taken into investigation. Following the physical examination and echocardiographic evaluations of all the children under investigation, the heart rate variability values were obtained from 5 minute ECG recordings. Results: On the basis of heart rate variability; time-field parameters of obese, athletic and control groups respectively had the values of SDNN (the standard deviation of NN intervals) 58.16p27.44, 86.93p30.36, 63.55p11.34 ms, values of RMSSD (root mean square of the successive differences) 57.85p36.97, 96.80p52.84, 61.9p15.26 and values of triangular index 10.80p4.76, 16.31p5.68, 12.8p3.43 were found. It was determined that those values increased significantly in athletes in contrast with the two other groups. Heart rate variability in the frequency domain, average values of low frequency were148.75p44.22, 131.15p41.20, 152.38p36.65, high frequency were 231.48p45.85, 263.25p55.46, 251.51p57 and low/high frequency were 0.66p0.25, 0.53p0.22, 0.65p0.25 in obese, athletic and control groups respectively. In obese children, high frequency values demonstrating parasympathetic activity, decreased; whereas, the low/high frequency values increased. However, there were no statistical differences established. Conclusions: As a result, the significant increase of heart rate variability in athletic boys might be thought to low potential cardiac risk factors as well as the possible positive effects of regular exercise on autonomous nerve system.
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