Short Communications Antibodies incatsera fromsouthern Africa react withantigens of Ehrlichia canis

summary, this communication demonstrates a low preva- lence of antibodies reactive with E canis antigens in cats fromsouthern Africa. Theseantibodies react withEcanis antigens very similar to those recognised by sera from dogs infected experimen-tally with this organism, in particular the immunodominant 27 References AMYX, H. L., HUXSOLL, D. L., ZEILER, D. C. & HILDERBRANDT, P. K.(1971)JournaloftheAmerican Veterinary MedicalAssociation 159, 1429BOULOY,R. P., LAPPIN,M. R., HOLLAND,C. H., THRALL,M.A., BAKER,D.&O'NEIL, S. (1994) Journal ofthe American Veterinary MedicalAssociation 242, 1475BUORO, B.J., ATWELL, R. B., KIPTOON, J. C. & IHIGA, M. A. (1989)Veterinary Record125,434DAWSON,D. E. &EWING,S. A. (1992)AmericanJournalofVeterinary Research53, 1322KELLY, P. J., MAT-FHEWMAN, L. A., MAHAN,S. M., SEMU, S., PETER, T.,MASON,P. R., BROUQUI,P. &RAOULT,D. (1994) Research in Veterinary Science 56, 170LAEMMLI,U. K. (1970) Nature227, 680LOGAN,L. L., HOLLAND,C. J., MEBUS,C. A. &RISTIC, M.
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