Az internálás és a rendőri felügyelet jogi háttere Magyarországon az I. világháború alatt

A magyar jogrendszerbe az internalas az I. vilaghaboru soran kerult be. Ekkor szuksegesseg valt a magyar es a kulfoldi polgari allasu lakossag kenyszerlakhelyenek a kijelolese a biztonsag es a haboru eredmenyes kimenetelenek az elősegitese erdekeben. A magyar orszaggyűles — a brit a minta nyoman — a polgari kormany kezebe helyezte a kiveteles hatalom gyakorlasanak a jogkoret. Ezzel szemben az Osztrak Csaszarsag torvenyhozo testulete — a porosz minta nyoman — a vederőhoz telepitette a kiveteles hatalom gyakorlasanak a jogkoret. Ez a helyzet a Magyar Kiralysag teruleten ohatatlanul surlodasokhoz vezetett, azonban a magyar kozigazgatasnak sikerult a tortenelmi Magyarorszag teruleten a magyar torvenyek betartatasaval megvalositani az internalasokat. / Internation entered the Hungarian legal system during World War I. At that time, it became necessary to designate the forced residence of the Hungarian and foreign civilian population in order to promote security and a successful outcome of the war. Following the Hungarian model, the Hungarian Parliament placed the power to exercise exceptional power in the hands of the civilian government. In contrast, the legislature of the Austrian Empire, following the Prussian model, placed the power to exercise exceptional power with the Defense Forces. This situation inevitably led to friction in the territory of the Kingdom of Hungary, however, the Hungarian administration managed to implement internitions in the territory of historical Hungary by complying with Hungarian laws.
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