A percepção ambiental dos discentes nas Escolas Municipais de Manaus: um estudo de caso/The environmental perception of students in the Municipal Schools of Manaus: a case study

Resumo A crescente preocupacao com a questao ambiental proporciona que a tematica da Educacao Ambiental seja difundida e incorporada por diversos segmentos da sociedade, entre eles as escolas, para o desenvolvimento de atividades e projetos no intuito de educar as comunidades, procurando sensibiliza-las para a modificacao de atitudes e posturas que sejam beneficas ao equilibrio ambiental.Diante desse contexto, visando abordar especificamente a ideia que formam os estudantes das escolas municipaisacerca da educacao ambiental tem-se como problema de pesquisa o seguinte: ate que ponto as Escolas Municipais de Manaus de tem contribuido para promover a Educacao Ambiental (EA)?Em decorrencia de tal pergunta, o trabalho teve como objetivo geral verificar, por meio da percepcao dos alunos, se os projetos e acoes em educacao ambiental nas Escolas Municipais de Manaus trazem resultados significativos que se traduzam em praticas pessoais no dia a dia dos seus discentes. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo de caso, com pesquisa empirica do tipo descritiva, sobretudo na forma de trabalho de campo. Os principais resultados se mostraram concernentes com as abordagens de importantes autores da literatura sobre o assunto. Pode-se concluir que as acoes de educacao ambiental promovem mudancas de comportamento e despertam nos estudantes certo interesse para encontrar solucoes para as problematicas ambientais, todavia, para alem do reconhecimento de valor e do interesse que os participantes tem sobre as questoes ambientais, e necessario que as escolas avancem e busquem desenvolver novas acoes. Palavras-chave: Educacao ambiental. Percepcao dos discentes. Escolas Municipais de Manaus. The environmental perception of students in the Municipal Schools of Manaus: a case study Abstract The growing concern with the environmental issue provides that the theme of Environmental Education be disseminated and incorporated by various segments of society, including schools, to develop activities and projects to educate communities, seeking to sensitize them to the modification of attitudes and postures that are beneficial to the environmental balance. In this context, in order to specifically address the idea that the students of municipal schools form on environmental education has as a research problem the following: the extent to which the Municipal Schools of Manaus have contributed to promote Environmental Education (EA)? As a result of this question, the general objective of the work was to verify, through the students' perception, whether projects and actions in environmental education in the Municipal Schools of Manaus bring significant results that translate in personal practices in the day to day of its students. For that, a case study was carried out, with empirical research of the descriptive type, mainly in the form of field work. The main results were related to the approaches of important authors of the literature on the subject. It can be concluded that environmental education actions promote behavioral changes and awaken in students a certain interest to find solutions to environmental problems, however, in addition to the recognition of value and the interest that participants have on environmental issues, it is necessary that the schools advance and seek to develop new actions. Keywords: Environmental education. Perceptions of the students. Municipal Schools of Manaus.
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