Event-relatedbrainpotentialstudyofexpectancyandsemanticmatching in schizotypy

article i nfo Priming studies have revealed semantic processing abnormalities in subjects that display high schizotypal traits. The objective of the present study was to further elucidate the contribution of predictive (expectancy) and inte- grative (semantic matching) context processingtothesemantic deficitdescribed inschizotypy. Thirty-sixpartic- ipants were assigned into high or low schizotypy groups according to their score on the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ), and event-related brain potentials were recorded while these individuals performed semantic judgments based on asymmetrically associated word pairs. Viewed in one direction (forward), the tar- get was highly predictable from the prime, whereas in the backward direction, the prime-to-target association was weak. It was assumed that the forward condition would be dependent on expectancy generation, while the backward condition would rely on semantic matching. In the low-SPQ group, forward and backward related words evoked a reduced (less negative) N400 amplitude compared to unrelated words, resulting in a significant forwardandbackwardN400primingeffect,respectively.Bycontrast,onlyforwardrelatedwordswerefacilitated inthe high-SPQ group, resulting insignificant forward priming and a lack of backward priming. Furthermore, the N400 amplitude for forward related words was less negative within the high-SPQ group in comparison to the low-SPQ group, which indicated easier semantic access to predictable words for high-SPQ individuals. Therefore, schizotypy may be associated with an imbalance in the use of predictive and integrative context processing strategies,namelypreserved,ifnotoverallocated,expectancygenerationalongwithalteredintegrationofunpre- dictable words due to semantic matching deficit.
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