Nitric oxide and lipid peroxidation in children, residents of the contaminated territories.

: Meta doslidzhennja: ocinka systemy oksydu azotu za vmistom jogo stabil'nyh metabolitiv v syrovatci krovi ta pokaznykamy perekysnogo okyslennja lipidiv i antyoksydantnogo zahystu u ditej-meshkanciv radioaktyvno zabrudnenyh terytorij. Materialy ta metody doslidzhennja. Obstezheni dity shkil'nogo viku – meshkanci radioaktyvno zabrudnenyh terytorij. Vyznachennja rivniv azotystyh spoluk (NO2- ta NO3-) provodyly za standartnoju metodykoju z vykorystannjam reaktyvu Grissa. Dlja vyznachennja oznak okysljuval'nogo stressu provodyly doslidzhennja malonovogo dial'degidu, katalazy, ceruloplazminu. Rezul'taty i vysnovky. U ditej-meshkanciv radioaktyvno zabrudnenyh terytorij doslidzhennja vmistu metabolitiv oksydu azotu v syrovatci krovi vyjavylo znyzhennja rivnja nitrytiv pry vidsutnosti dostovirnyh zmin vmistu nitrativ i sumy metabolitiv NO. Aktyvacija osnovnogo vnutrishn'oklitynnogo antyoksydantu katalazy pry vidsutnosti suttjevyh zmin osnovnogo syrovatkovogo antyoksydantu ceruloplazminu ne suprovodzhuvalasja pidvyshhennjam rivnja TBK-aktyvnyh produktiv perekysnogo okyslennja lipidiv – malonovogo dial'degidu v syrovatci krovi, shho svidchyt' pro dostatnist' kompensatornyh mozhlyvostej systemy antyoksydantnogo zahystu. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Studies were conducted in children, born and residing in areas of contamination. Assay of nitrogenous species (NO²⁻ and NO³⁻) was performed using a standard method with Griss-reagent. Biochemical assay of the malonic dyaldehide, catalase, and ceruloplasmin was applied to reveal the signs of oxidative stress. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The assay of nitric oxide metabolites in the blood serum of children-residents of contaminated territories revealed a reduction of nitrite and no significant changes in the content of both nitrate and total NO metabolites. There was an activation of the intracellular antioxidant catalase with the absence of significant changes in the basic serum ceruloplasmin antioxidant. All that was not accompanied with an increase of serum concentration of malonic dyaldehide i.e. the TBA-active product of lipid peroxidation being indicative to the adequacy of compensatory capacity of antioxidant defense.
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