Point-spread imaging for measurement of skin translucency and scattering.

Background/purpose: The translucency of skin has long been identified as an important cue for healthy and youthful looking skin. There is currently no universal definition for skin translucency let alone a measurement method. We propose that skin translucency is the light scattering beneath skin surface. We demonstrate the use of polarization gated point spreading imaging for non-invasive, in vivo measurement of the translucency and the reduced scattering coefficient of skin. Methods: We developed a polarization-gated point-spread imaging system to measure the spread of the incident pencil-thin laser beam on the skin. Skin translucency was calculated as the spread of the laser beam. From the measurement of the shift of the light diffuse center from the light injection point, the reduced scattering coefficient of the skin was calculated. We validated the measurement technique with milk as an in vitro model for skin. Results and conclusion: The measured of milk solution was found to be linearly proportional to the milk concentration, in agreement with Beer's law. The calculated translucency decreased as the milk concentration increased or as the reduced scattering coefficient increased. It was also found that the translucency decreased as the absorption coefficient of the milk solution increased. The measured translucency of a set of custom made clay tiles correlated well with the consumer perception of the incremental ranking of the translucency. In vivo measurement of skin translucency and the reduced scattering coefficient were carried out on several volunteers. The measured reduced scattering coefficient was in agreement with those in the literature. The measured skin translucency for different skin ethnicities of Caucasian, North Asian, South Asian and African American were in line with the expectation that skin translucency decreases as the skin color gets darker.
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