Granulated powder containing vegetable proteins and fibers, their method of obtaining and their uses

Granulated powder comprising at least one vegetable protein and at least one starch hydrolyzate, characterized in that it has: - a laser average volume diameter D 4.3 between 10 μm and 500 μm, preferably between 50 μm and 350 μm and even more preferably between 70 μm and 250 μm, and - a dry matter, determined after baking at 130 ° C for 2 hours, greater than 80%, preferably greater than 85%, and even more preferably greater than 90%; wherein said vegetable protein is a pea protein and said starch hydrolyzate is a maltodextrin whose ED is between 15 and 19, the sum of the amounts of vegetable protein and starch hydrolyzate is between 50 and 100% of the total mass of said granulated powder (dry / dry), and in which the weight ratio of the vegetable protein with the starch hydrolyzate is between 80:20 and 45:55, in which the vegetable proteins have more than 50% protein of more than 1,000 Da.
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