Yembitkilerinde Anatomik Yapı ve Kimyasal Kompozisyonun Besleme Değerine Etkileri / Effects of Anatomic Structure and Chemical Composition on Forage Quality

OZET: Her bitkinin besleme degerine etkili olan, kendine has morfolojik ve fizyolojik ozellikleri vardir. Bazi genellemeler yapilsa da bitki gruplari, turleri ve hatta varyeteleri arasinda dahi onemli farkliliklar vardir. Bu farkliliklar yembitkileri arasinda baklagillerle bugdaygiller, serin mevsim bitkileri ile sicak mevsim bitkileri arasinda oldukca belirgindir. Genel olarak sicak mevsim bitkilerinin otunda serin mevsim bitkilerine gore daha fazla yapisal madde bulunmaktadir. Cunku bircok sicak mevsim bitkisi hizli buyume ve dusuk yaprak/sap oranina sahiptir. Bu nedenle sicak iklimlerde yetisen bitkiler dusuk besleme degerine sahiptir. Diger yandan bugdaygiller baklagillere gore daha fazla hucre duvari maddelerine ve olgunlasma ile hizli bir lignin birikimine sahiptir. Bundan dolayi olgunlasma ile sindirimlerinde hizli bir azalma meydana gelir. Bu makalede farkli bitki gruplari arasinda yem kalitesine etki eden anatomik, morfolojik farkliliklar ve kimyasal kompozisyon tartisilmistir. Anahtar kelimeler: Bitki anatomisi, kimyasal kompozisyon, yem kalitesi Effects of Anatomic Structure and Chemical Composition on Forage Quality SUMMARY: Each plant has a unique morphology and physiology which gives it specific growth and forage quality characteristics. Although some generalizations can be made, there are the differences in quality that exist among groups of plants, individual species, and even cultivars. These differences are very clear between grass-legume and warm-cool season forage crops. In general, warm season plants almost always have higher levels of structural matter in hay than cool-season plants because of many warm season plants have low leaf/stem and high growth rate. Therefore, forages grown in warm climates have poor quality. On the other hand, grasses have higher cell wall concentrations and a more rapid accumulation of lignin than legumes, and thus a more rapid decline in digestibility with maturity. In this paper, effects of anatomy, morphology and chemical composition on forage quality was discussed in details among forage groups. Key words: Plant anatomy, chemical composition, forage quality
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