Differentiation of hepatic encephalopathy from delirium tremens: A case series and review

Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is an important and potentially life threatening complication in alcoholic patients with decompensated liver function that develop even as they continue drinking. Delirium tremens, on the other hand, is an acute condition resulting from alcohol abstinence in a person dependent on alcohol, making it a life threatening diagnosis that requires intensive care and successful management of the withdrawal. Often in medical wards, these two conditions are mistaken and so is the management plan confused with each other. Making the right diagnosis early on during the hospital course is extremely important in these critical conditions so as to make an appropriate schedule for treatment and a better outcome for the same. A case series of patients who presented with a diagnostic dilemma is reported. Clinical examinations, diagnostic tools to measure the levels of ammonia and liver function tests and hemogram, West Haven criteria and Child–Pugh grading, and clinical scales of these patients are reported. Increased levels of ammonia were present in all the cases. The subtle similarities in the presentation of the two conditions often make it confusing for the clinician to distinguish between them. Using a simple test of measuring ammonia levels in the blood helps in such situations. The detection of raised levels of ammonia in cases of chronic liver disease helps in not just the diagnosis but also is an important prognostic indicator for development of HE.
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