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Vademécum de cardiología

espanolEn este trabajo revisamos los farmacos que pueden emplearse en Cardiologia, destacando en negrita aquellos cuyo uso es mas frecuente. Los nombres comerciales que citamos no responden a ningun fin publicitario, existiendo otros muchos que pueden ser igualmente utilizados. Las dosis indicadas son aquellas que estan internacionalmente reconocidas o, en su defecto, aquellas que los autores consideran adecuadas basandose en su experiencia personal en la Cardiologia clinica practica de los pequenos animales. Cuando no existen dosis reconocidas de algun medicamento, se ha dejado un espacio para poder completar gradualmente este vademecum. * This paper reviews the drugs we can use in small animals Cardiology highlighting in bold face those used most often. The brand names named in this report are not used with intention of publicity, existing many other drugs that can be used in their place in Spain. The dosages we indicate are internationaly accepted or they are those the authors employ according to their personal experience in the Cardiology of small animals. When we don 't have recognized dosages of a drug, we have put a space to complete gradually this vademecum. EnglishThis paper reviews the drugs we can use in small animals Cardiology highlighting in bold face those used most often. The brand names named in this report are not used with intention of publicity, existing many other drugs that can be used in their place in Spain. The dosages we indicate are internationaly accepted or they are those the authors employ according to their personal experience in the Cardiology of small animals. When we don 't have recognized dosages of a drug, we have put a space to complete gradually this vademecum.
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