RESUMO Neste artigo se propoe investigar a possibilidade de dispensa de averbacao da Reserva Legal as margens da matricula do imovel rural no Cartorio de Registro de Imoveis. Existe, atualmente, grande discordância acerca do artigo 18, paragrafo 4°, do Novo Codigo Florestal brasileiro, vez que sua redacao desobriga a averbacao da Area de Reserva Legal (RL) no Cartorio de Registro de Imoveis (CRI) para aquele que realizar o registro da RL no Cadastro Ambiental Rural (CAR). Lancar um olhar critico para este dispositivo e relevante, uma vez que nao apresentou beneficios. Portanto, o objetivo geral e pesquisar o Novo Codigo Florestal brasileiro, em especial, o instituto da desobrigacao de averbacao da Area de Reserva Legal no Cartorio de Registro de Imoveis. No que tange os objetivos especificos, tem-se os seguintes: confrontar o Codigo Florestal atual (Lei n. 12.651 de 2012) com o Codigo Florestal revogado (Lei n. 4.771 de 1965); analisar a constitucionalidade do artigo 18, paragrafo 4°, do Novo Codigo Florestal; ousar propor um novo modelo para a averbacao, simplificado e que podera ocasionar maior protecao ambiental. A estrutura do artigo foi organizada em tres topicos. No primeiro momento comentou-se acerca do Cadastro Ambiental Rural. No segundo tratou-se da Reserva Legal. Por fim, fez-se analise critica da desobrigacao quanto a averbacao da area de reserva legal a margem da matricula do imovel rural no Cartorio de Registro de Imoveis. Definiu-se pelo seguinte problema de pesquisa: a desobrigacao quanto a averbacao da reserva legal na matricula do imovel e avanco ou retrocesso? PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Reserva Legal; Cadastro Ambiental Rural; Cartorio de Registro de Imoveis; Matricula; Averbacao; Registro; Protecao Ambiental. ABSTRACT This article proposes to investigate the possibility of extraction from the Legal Reserve of the registration of the countryside property in the Registry of Real Estate. There is currently a great disagreement about article 18, paragraph 4, of the New Brazilian Forest Code, its drafting exempts the registration of the Legal Reserve (RL) at the Registry of Real Estate (CRI) for those who register RL in the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR). Taking a critical look at this device is very relevant since it did not present benefits. Therefore, the general objective is to research the New Brazilian Forest Code, in particular, the institute of release of registration of the Legal Reserve in the Registry of Real Estate. With regard to the specific objectives, the following are: confronting the current Forestry Code (Law 12.651 of 2012) with the Forestry Code repealed (Law 4771 of 1965); To analyze the constitutionality of article 18, paragraph 4, of the New Forest Code; Dare to propose a new model for the registration, simplified and that could lead to greater environmental protection. The structure of the article has been organized into three chapters. In the first moment the Rural Environmental Registry was commented. The second one was the Legal Reserve. Finally, a critical analysis was made of the disclaimer regarding the registration of the legal reserve area outside the registration of the countryside property in the Registry of Real Estate. It was defined by the following research problem: the dispensation of the legal reserve in the registration of the property is a step forward or backward? KEYWORDS: Legal Reserve; Rural Environmental Registry; Registry of Real Estate; Matriculate; Registry; Environmental Protection.
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