Terminal phase of malignant disease: Life or death?

Objective: The study of this research is that the within focus group define pharmacy student's attitude about the quality of life of patients in the terminal stage malignancies. This would indicate the difficulties these patients in the treatment process, their views on life, the advantages and disadvantages of conventional chemotherapy, but also the impact of the environment on the process of healing. The work aims to highlight the essential help of other health professionals in the care of these patients, their affinities to other treatment modalities, and mercy killing. Method: The study was designed as a qualitative research, because it is designed for participants to express their views, feelings and beliefs about this topic. The method chosen for the study was ''the method of focus groups'' and during the pursuance of the same recorded audio record focus groups, and the names of the participants remained anonymous in order to preserve the privacy. Results: During the implementation of the study came to the conclusion that students on patients who have terminal stage malignancies have different views on life and death. For some respondents death is completely unacceptable, and to justify the same state various motives. For others, the struggle for life is a basic principle that should these patients should be maintained until the end.
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