Фторхинолоны в ревматологии: опыт 5 летнего применения

Summary Aim. To study of possibility of fluoroquinolones using in rheuma to logic practice. Material and methods. Assessment of the efficacy and tolerahility of Ciprofloxacine, Perfloxacine and Lomefloxacine in 244 pts with rheumatic diseases with infections of low respiratory tract, urogenital tract, skin and soft tissues. Results. Recovery of infection was achieved in 193 out of 244 pts (79.1%), In 41 cases (16.8%) the therapy with jluoroquinolones was without result. In 52 pts (21.3%) typical for this group of drugs side effects were observed (dizziness, dyspeptic manifestations, rash with itching) in most cases not requiring dose changing or cancellation of the treatment. In 10 pts (4.1%) the drugs were canceled due to unfavorable effect (intensive headache, vomiting, urticaria). In all cases side effects were associated with fluoroquinolones and were fully reversible. Their development did not depend on infection agent and localization, basic disease and prescribed antirheumatic therapy. Conclusion. Results of the study show that treatment of concomitant infections pathology in rheumatic pts with fluoroquinolones is quite effective. To work out optimal schemes of the therapy with these drugs further clinical studies are necessary.
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