Szteroid-21-hidroxiláz-deficientia, a congenitalis adrenalis hyperplasia leggyakoribb oka = Steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency, the most frequent cause of congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Absztrakt: A congenitalis adrenalis hyperplasiat 7 monogenes genetikai betegseg osszessegenek tekintjuk, melyekből az egyik a szteroid-21-hidroxilaz-deficientia. A congenitalis adrenalis hyperplasia osszes koroki genje a mellekvese szteroidogeneziseben vesz reszt. A szteroid-21-hidroxilaz-deficientia autoszomalis recessziv betegseg, amelyert a szteroid-21-hidroxilazt kodolo gen mutacioi a felelősek. A szteroid-21-hidroxilaz gen mutacioi a congenitalis adrenalis hyperplasias esetek 95%-at okozzak. Bar az enyhe tunetekkel egyutt jaro nem-klasszikus szteroid-21-hidroxilaz-deficientiat ritkan diagnosztizaljak, a klasszikus szteroid-21-hidroxilaz-deficientia az aldoszteron- es a kortizolelvalasztas elegtelensege miatt eletveszelyes sovesztő es adrenalis krizissel jarhat egyutt. A klasszikus tipus elethosszig tarto szteroidpotlast igenyel, amely cushingoid mellekhatasokkal jarhat egyutt, illetve a betegseg talajan jellemző komorbiditasok szinten kialakulhatnak. A betegek eletminősege csokkent, mortalitasuk tobbszorose a betegsegben nem szenvedő populacionak. A betegseg diagnosztikaja, kovetkezmenyei es a betegek egesz eletet vegigkiserő klinikai ellatas multidiszciplinaris megkozelitest kivan: a gyermekgyogyaszat, a belgyogyaszat, az endokrinologia, a laboratoriumi medicina, a genetikai diagnosztika, a sebeszet, a szuleszet-nőgyogyaszat es a pszichologia szakembereinek egyuttes munkajat igenyli. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(7): 269–277. | Abstract: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a group of genetic diseases due to the disablement of 7 genes; one of them is steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency. The genes of congenital adrenal hyperplasia encode enzymes taking part in the steroidogenesis of adrenal gland. Steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations of the steroid 21-hydroxylase gene. The mutations of steroid 21-hydroxylase gene cause 95% of the congenital adrenal hyperplasia cases. Although the non-classic steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency with mild symptoms is seldom diagnosed, the classic steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency may lead to life-threatening salt-wasting and adrenal crises due to the insufficient aldosterone and cortisol serum levels. The classic type requires life-long steroid replacement which may result in cushingoid side effects, and typical comorbidities may be also developed. The patients’ quality of life is decreased, and their mortality is much higher than that of the population without steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency. The diagnosis, consequences and the patients’ life-long clinical care require a multidisciplinary approach: the specialists in pediatrics, internal medicine, endocrinology, laboratory medicine, genetic diagnostics, surgery, obstetrics-gynecology and psychology need to work together. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(7): 269–277.
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