Depopulation of the Jπ = 9- isomer in 180Ta to the Jπ = 1+ ground state by Coulomb excitation

In-beam Coulomb excitation of the exotic odd-odd nucleus 180Ta has been studied by using a 136Xe beam and a setup consisting of five EUROBALL CLUSTER detectors and the Darmstadt-Heidelberg Crystal Ball array. Spectroscopic information on the extremely rare 180Ta is obtained from the comparison between an enriched (3.6±0.3% 180Ta) and a natural tantalum target. Possible evidence for a depopulation from the long-lived high-spin Jπ = 9- isomer to the short-lived Jπ = 1+ ground state is searched for by different methods. The decay of low-K bandheads, which are nanosecond isomers, towards the ground-state band can be demonstrated in delayed spectroscopy. A γγ coincidence analysis provides indications of K = 5 in-band transitions. Finally, when the Crystal Ball is used as an energy and γ multiplicity filter, signals of decay into the K = 0 band are observed.
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